A: Sounds like "AH" as the A in Father
E: Sounds like "EH" as the A in Ate
I: Sounds like "EE" as the I in Machine
O: Sounds like "OH" as the O in Open
U: Sounds like "OO" as the U in Flu
A: Sounds like "AH" as the A in Father
E: Sounds like "EH" as the A in Ate
I: Sounds like "EE" as the I in Machine
O: Sounds like "OH" as the O in Open
U: Sounds like "OO" as the U in Flu
Beginning of Class
Mosubi Dachi: Attention Stand Seiza: Correct Sitting/ Kneel Mokuso: Close Your Eyes and Focus (Sensei/Renshi/Shihan) Rei: Bow Kiritzu: Stand Up Onegaishimasu: Please Teach Me Ending of Class Mosubi Dachi: Attention Stance Seiza: Correct Sitting/ Kneel Mokuso: Close Your Eyes and Focus (Sensei/Renshi/Shihan) Rei: Bow to Instructor Kiritzu: Stand Up Domo Arigato Gozaimasu: Thank you very much Arigato: Thank you Doitashimashite: You’re welcome Numbers Itch: One Ni: Two San: Three Shi: Four Go: Five Roku: Six Sitchi: Seven Hatchi: Eight Ku: Nine Ju: Ten Tachikata: Stances Hachiji Dachi: Natural Stance Kiba Dachi: Horse Stance (Toes Pointed Forward) Kokutsu Dachi: Back Stance Mosubi Dachi: Attention Stance Neko Ashi Dachi: Cat Stance Shiko Dachi: Horse Stance (Toes Pointed Out) Zenkutsu Dachi: Front Stance Uke: Block Jodan Age Uke: Rising Block Chudan Soto Uke: Inner Forearm Block Gedan Barai Uke: Down Block Ude Uke: Outer Forearm Block Ate/Uchi: Strike Seiken Zuki (Jodan, Chudan, Gedan): Fore Fist Punch Tate Zuki: Vertical Fist Punch Gyaku Zuki: Reverse Punch |
Keri: Kick (Geri when it's with another word)
Mae Geri: Front Kick Mawashi Geri: Roundhouse Kick Mikazuki Geri: Crescent Kick Yoko Geri: Side Kick Areas of the Body Jodan: Upper Level (Head) Chudan: Middle Level (Torso) Gedan: Lower Level (From the belly button down) Seichusen: Midline Directions Age: Rising Otoshi: Downward Mawashi: Roundhouse Mae: Front Ushiro/Ato: Back Yoko: Side Migi: Right Hidari: Left Other Words/Commands Kon'nichiwa: Hello Sayonara: Bye Hai: Yes Ie: No Naotte: Ready/Relaxed Position Kamae-te: Step into position Hajime: Begin Yame: Stop Ashikate: Switch Sides Mawate: Turn Around Kyu: Rank under Black Belt Dan: Black Belt Rank Shodan: First Level/Degree Nidan: Second Level/Degree Sandan: Third Level/Degree Yondan: Fourth Level/Degree Godan: Fifth Level/Degree Sensei: "One who has come before" Senpai: Senior in Training Renshi: "Polished Teacher" Shihan: Master |